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                                 Daily weather Alerts


                                    Austin Area Parks

                           Saints summer break. Return August 22.


                                     Bulverde Park

   Monday Aug. 22: Saints class today in Bulverde is canceled due to weather. 

                Daily Weather Alerts
Austin Area Parks
   Fri. 2/14:  Class at Austin Oaks 9:30a-12p

Saints Flag Logo.png

Christian Homeschool Athletic Association of Texas
A Homeschool Physical Education Program for Students 5 through 16.
Where Jesus is Lord and Every Child is a Winner!

Register now for the following locations. Click on the Link below for the Registration Form. 
Tuesday Morning: Bob Bryant Park: 9:00a-12:00p
Wednesday Morning: Twin Lakes Church:   9:00a-12:00p
Wednesday Afternoon: Austin Oaks Church:  1:00p-4:00p CLASS FULL
Thursday Afternoon: Southwest Williamson County Park: 1:00p-4:00p
Friday Morning: Austin Oaks Church: 9:00a-12:00p


 Mission Statement

* To teach fair play, good sportsmanship, teamwork, goal setting, develop Godly character, and instill Christian values.

* To teach safety first in all activities.

* To encourage growth in each childs special talents and help to develop  new ones.

*To stress respect to God, parents, leaders, self, one another, equipment and environment.  

Saints Sports and Activities

*Soccer,  *Flag Football,  *Volleyball,  *Dodge Ball,         

*Kickball,  *Basketball,  *Tennis,  *Ultimate Frisbee,

*Field Hockey,  *Jump Rope,  *Frustraton,  *Kingdom Ball,  *Baseball,  *Saints Ball,  *Hero's Way,  *Track and Field,  * Relay races, *Tag Games, *Saints Fitness Challenge and Many more games






Weekly Scripture Verse
Come to the park, state the book, chapter and verse number, then recite the verse to any coach, to win a prize.

Scripture Verse:  Feb 10 - Feb 14

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:9-10

Contact US at:
(512) 484-1647
PO Box 3953
Cedar Park,TX 78630
Contact US at:
(512) 484-1647
PO Box 3953
Cedar Park,TX 78630
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